Internal Movement of CNC Machinery

Internal Movement of CNC Machinery

Relocation of CNC machinery following a production line restructure

Company Profile: A leading international manufacturer of aerospace finished components based in Nottingham.


Project Outline: Having installed CNC machinery on a first floor production area seven years previously, Merritts were instructed again to help relocate some of the CNC machinery to a ground floor location as part of a production restructure.


Project Details

A number of challenges needed to be overcome on this project resulting from the restricted access between the floors. The dimensions of the floor opening were very close to those of the machines and necessitated extreme precision in handling and excellent communication between personnel.

As a result of our expertise, knowledge and specialist equipment, the project was completed successfully with minimal disruption to ongoing production.

Dismantling and loading


The relocation process commenced with the removal of motors and guards prior to jacking the machinery onto machine moving skates and positioning adjacent to the floor opening on the first floor.



A Versa-Lift 25/35 fork truck was positioned on the ground floor beneath the aperture and the forks were raised through the opening to first-floor level.

The machines were each skated onto the forks and lowered through the opening to the ground floor. They were then moved through the factory to a new position where they were reassembled, bolted down and levelled.


Lifting equipment

  • Versa-Lift 25/35
  • 7Te Forklifts
  • Specialist rigging tackle